Robin Springer
One of the founding Leaders of Trident ESU I’m afraid I’ve been around the block a little! I became a Scout at 18 after being convinced by my Venture leader and DC it was a good idea! I took on the role shortly after as GSL for the 7th Haywards Heath Air Scouts. After a few years of running the group and the Scout Troop we started an Explorer Unit called Prometheus, 2001 saw the creation of Explorers and we saw an opportunity to support our older scouts into an adventurous new programme. My preference soon became more focused on supporting this age range and we developed Prometheus into what is now known as Trident ESU. In 2010 I took the role of District Commissioner at the merger of Southdowns and Haywards Heath districts into Mid Sussex. All the time running the district with an amazing group of people I also continued to work with the leadership team for Trident. Since 2019 I’ve held the roles of Assistant County Commissioner for Explorers in West Sussex, but my heart is in Trident ESU and we continue provide exciting opportunities in weekly events, Intl Jamboree camps, and foreign adventures! The picture is me with my eldest daughter Olivia (now 12 years old) at one of the many District Funday events we ran as a district.

Ben Mitchell
Laura Mitchell
Leanne Penfold
Bridget Calthrop